The Exit Cycle provides an overview of the exit process that applies to most companies.
While each company navigates the cycle at its own speed, recognising the key pre- and post-transaction steps ensures that your business is ready to maximise its value and meet your goals.
The Exit Cycle, our proprietary framework for approaching transactions, will empower you to understand and navigate the transaction process.
Whether you are uncertain about Establishment or entering Exit Preparation in full force, the Exit Cycle can help to establish benchmarks for success and recognise areas where you need support. Our team brings phase-specific support through essential expertise, additional hands, and a personal touch to guide you in navigating the challenging demands across the Exit Cycle.
The Exit Cycle defines any change in ownership structure or equity allocation as an exit: funding, selling a minority or majority stake to investor, family succession, MBO, IPO or merger. This perspective incorporates the Exit Cycle into your business operations and ensures that you and your business are always ready for the next opportunity.
With our approach, you will always be ready for your next exit.